Grateful for the Word VERY


Dear friend of All the Kings Horses Ministry,
“God is our refuge and strength,
A VERY present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;” Psalm 46:1-2 

Mountains tossed into the heart of the sea? Really Lord? I mean, far be it from me to accuse You of hyperbole, but that picture seems just a tad extreme, don’t You think?   

Well, we all might have thought so back in January. Covid-19 has stricken fear into hearts throughout the world, and life as we knew it was quickly turned upside down. We’ve faced lockdowns, mass unemployment, the dismantling of our economy, social upheaval, rioting and destruction. In one fell swoop, life is different, and the mountains we’ve counted upon for stability and security in this world have been tossed into the heart of the sea.

It is no surprise to observe the world population seeking political solutions, salvation from pharmaceutical companies and vaccines, and clamoring for any possible solution the world might offer. Many are ready and willing even to give up our cherished freedoms in anticipation of receiving protection and sustenance from the State, without even a thought toward God.

The human heart has always sought independence from God, and things are playing out just as has been foretold in the Bible. God knew that the world, in its ongoing rebellion against Him, would seek to rely upon any and every resource except Jesus Christ. But what must He think of those who call themselves Christians who turn to world instead of to Him at mountain tossing time? It was with a tinge of sadness, I think, that the Lord asked this pathetic question: 
“when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

Do you think God stuck the word “VERY” into David’s sentence (Ps. 46:1) because it sounds poetic? Do you realize that our all-powerful, intensely-loving, magnificent God is VERY present? Do you understand that He is right alongside you, as close as He could possibly be? Do you remember that He resides within you? Your emotional stability, your level of peace (or lack thereof) rides squarely on your belief in that word VERY, especially during times of adversity and extreme change.

Dear friends of All the King’s Horses Ministry, I can’t adequately express to you how important this word “VERY” is to me as I write this Newsletter. Here is why you haven’t heard from me in several months. 

The truth is, I’ve been in pretty tough shape during this Covid 19 season. My post-concussion syndrome (and related brain-injury issues), combined with the unrelenting stress of providing Bryson’s care as we have been “locked down” together (with all his outside activities cancelled, and his caregivers unable to come), brought me to the lowest place of my life (health-wise). Bryson’s emotional traumas, his falling down and hurting himself (even more now due to weight gain from not being at the gym) and his severe, peculiar obsessions (including bleeding after shaving himself raw etc.) became so extreme, and the stress so intense every waking hour, that something seemed to break within my mind.

My short-term memory became severely compromised, my motor controls and coordination became impaired to the point of losing my balance, bumping into walls, dropping glasses of water onto the floor (etc.). As you might imagine, this condition is not a good place to be if you are the full-time caregiver of an impaired person. The situation became tantamount to one impaired person caring for another impaired person. 

 After brain-MRI’s, and MRA’s (and a myriad of other tests) I was scheduled to be admitted to Morristown Medical Center on November 3rd (Election Day) for a surgery geared toward draining excess Cerebral Spinal Fluid to determine if I could regain function once the pressure on my brain was relieved. In the aftermath of the surgery, I was to remain in the ICU for 3 or 4 days. No one (not even the finest doctors) seemed to know how the excess fluid had come to over-fill the ventricles in my brain. My confusion was immense, and I could hardly bear the specter of undergoing this surgery. And then, a miracle happened. 

With so many people praying for me, I suddenly began to feel better. I mean, I’ve been completely (and I believe miraculously) healed. Two weeks before Election Day I was able to cancel that invasive surgery, and at the point of this writing I have now received confirmation from three (3) prominent neurologists in the NYC area that it appears I should have no problems in the future with this excess fluid issue. 

I can’t explain this to you. I don’t really understand it myself except to say that our God is VERY present. He is a God of mercy, He is a God who answers prayer, and He sometimes still does miracles. No matter what mountains the Lord may allow to get tossed into the sea in my life, or in yours, we can be still and know that He is God, as David went on to say in that very same Psalm. 

“Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our stronghold.” Psalm 46:10-11 

I am overjoyed, and somewhat amazed this Thanksgiving that the Lord is still working powerfully through this weak vessel who is writing to you. Above is a photo of me preaching on the Boardwalk in Ocean Grove Labor Day weekend. Opportunities to preach the gospel have been fewer during this season of prohibitions against public gathering. However, Broken people, those who fall through the cracks in this dark world, those who will never darken the doors of our churches are still being drawn to All the King’s Horses Ministry. Daily the Lord is providing me with opportunities to lift Jesus up to be seen by hurting people through my Biblical Counseling ministry and as I go out and seek broken people in the marketplace (Ephesians 2:10).

Please know that I am grateful for your ongoing financial support and prayer as I continue this vital work, even as I continue caring for my precious, struggling son.

As we move into the Christmas season, please consider purchasing some copies of my book to give to those you know who are hurting, and desperate for truth. My book sugarcoats nothing, and many have been drawn from the darkness of this mountain-tossed world to Christ through reading it: (original book)
I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Please remember that Jesus is VERY present, VERY good, and VERY fully in control. 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Your brother in the battle for Christ, 

Barry Milazzo

But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24 

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